Institute for Social and Economic Change

RBI Endowment Unit

RBI Unit



Initially named the Social Services Management Unit at the time of its inception, the Unit has, over the years, has concentrated on theoretical and quantitative research in macroeconomics, banking and finance and financial sector analysis, as well as poverty and public policy.  The Unit is wholly funded by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and the faculty enjoys the required autonomy and flexibility in the choice of studies. A number of studies, which are of interest to the RBI, have been completed in the Unit.  These include studies on Rural Credit Delivery System, International Financial Markets, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Issues, Institutional Finance, Rural Development, Inflation and Stock Markets, and Economics and Exchange Rate Dynamics.  Attempts are on to build a macroeconomic model for simulating alternative fiscal and monetary policy parameters.

RBI Unit Actitvities



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projects Completed

  • Measuring Expenditure Needs of States (Project funded by the Fianance Commission, Govt of India), M. Govinda Rao, B. Kammaiah, 2000.

  • Statistical Inference in Measurement of Poverty, B.P. Vani, 2002.

  • Fiscal Decentralisation in Karnataka(Project funded by World Bank), M. Govinda Rao, H K Amarnath, B.P. Vani, 2003.

  • Development Ploicies and Priorities in the context of sustainable development(Project sponsored by Winrock International), Shashanka Bhide, Jeena, 2004.

  • An Enquiry into the nature and regional disparities. The context ofHuman Development in Karnataka(Project sponsored by UNDP), G. Kadekodi, B.P. Vani, H.K. Amarnath, 2004.

  • Investment Attractiveness of States and Sectors: Manufacturing in India, Shashanka Bhide, B.P. Vani, H.K. Amarnath, 2005.

  • Role of Rural Local Organisations(Project Funded by World Bank) - In Collaboration with DDU unit, Veerashekarappa, B.P. Vani (faculty involved from the unit), 2004.


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On-going Projects

  • Restructuring Local Environment Management for Better Health Outcomes: Towards a District Level Pilot in Karnataka (project sponsored by World Bank), Shashanka Bhide, T V Shekar, Veerashekarappa, 2005.

  • Indias Export of Selected BPO services: Understanding Strengths and Weeknesses(Project Sponsored by ministry of commerce and Industry) - Jointly with Economics Unit, Meenakshi Rajeev, B.P. Vani, 2005.


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Books Published

  • "A Disequilibrium Macroeconometric Model for Indian Economy", Ashgate Publishing, London, Kaliappa Kalirajan & Shashanka Bhide, 2003.

  • "Development Policies, Priorities and Sustainability Perspectives in India", Social and Economic Change Monograph 6, ISEC, Shashanka Bhide and Jeena T Srinivasan, 2003.

  • "Institutional Finance for Rural Development", Rawat Publications, Jaipur , INDIA. Veerashekharappa, 1999.


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List of Faculty who are associated with the unit

Name Designation Email
M Ramachandran Professor
B P Vani Assistant Professor
Veerasekharappa Assistant Professor


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